Well, this terribly cold weather is putting an extreme damper on spray-primering things outside, so nothing new on the vehicle front. Spray paint just doesnt do well in 19-degree weather! I did manage to get one damaged/badly primered rhino black primered up before the temps dropped off though. The inside is kinda bad and I may just glue it up so it doesnt open and leave all the detail work for my still on the sprues Land Raider and other rhino.
The scouts are about 85% done, just need weapon painting and faces painted along with some minor touch ups. Tac Marines to fill out existing squads are about 95% done just neeed highlifgts and touch up. I have gotta bit lazy on these marines because they are kinda plain (unlike the special characters and scouts) so trying not to dip to much in quality (well my ability's quality). Work schedule and personal schedule have pretty much kept me from having these done already. Look for pics soon!
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